Hearing Evaluation

Learn More About The Hearing Exam

You rely on your hearing in every aspect of your daily life. It is often the one sense many do not recognize and appreciate until a loss of hearing occurs. Public health studies are ongoing at this time, looking at hearing loss and cognitive decline. Hearing well is vital to brain health.

If you are experiencing hearing difficulties, don’t delay. Get in touch with Southwest Hearing Care for a complete hearing evaluation.

Audiogram And Hearing Aids — Tucson, AZ — Southwest Hearing Care Inc.

Prior To Your Exam

A detailed patient history will be obtained. Questions relating to hearing loss, tinnitus, medications, and general health issues will be discussed.

During Your Exam

Your hearing evaluation will be a comprehensive exam conducted in a soundproof booth. Your ability to hear different frequencies, as well as understanding speech, will be assessed. The type of hearing loss you have will be identified. 

After Your Exam

The test results will be explained in detail, and any questions you have about the results will be answered. The impact of any hearing loss will be discussed as well as communication strategies. 

If you have tinnitus, Southwest Hearing Care will educate you on the topic, and management strategies will be discussed.

If amplification is indicated, a review of hearing aid styles and technology will be reviewed.

Recommendations provided are made specifically for each individual’s communication needs. 

Recommendations may also include Assistive Listening Devices.

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